Nunney Fayre Day
Enjoy the awesome experience of Nunney Fayre Day on 27th July 2024. We have music at the Nunney Castle, artisan stalls, children’s play area, street performers and more acts and events lined up.

Easter Bonnet Parade & Easter Duck Race
Easter Sunday Duck Race & Easter Bonnet Competition at Nunney Village Market Square.

Halloween Party - 80s theme
Put on your 80’s or halloween clobber and enjoy the Halloween Party at the Village Hall and dance til the ghouls come out!

Easter Sunday Duck Race & Bonnet Competition
Have you made your Easter Bonnet. You better had! The newcomers of the village will be voting winners for all ages that enter.

Carols in the Quarry
This year, 2023, the NCA are putting on another village carol event, where we will gather in the Old Quarry Gardens and sing carols to the musical accompaniment of the Frome Town Band.
Nunney Knees Up - 5th November 2022
Come and celebrate Bonfire Night at the village hall, where the NCA will host this fun event. Expect spooky music, freshly cooked food for sale, drinks, face painting, silent fireworks, sparklers and general merriment from 4pm. More details to follow later this week. All villagers are also receiving flyers through letterboxes by this week.
Queen's Jubilee Weekend - Friday 3rd June
The NCA are organising a jubilee picnic to be held over this bank holiday outside the village hall on Friday 3rd June. Expect bunting, music, outdoor games, children’s face-painting, CAKE and lots of picnics for the village’s biggest ever lunch party from 1pm.
Easter Sunday - 17th April
Our annual traditions continue for 2022. After the end of the church service, from midday there will be the Duck Race and Easter Bonnet competition held in the market square. All village children are encouraged to make a bonnet of their own design, which will be judged, by category, at 12:00pm in the Market Square.
Categories as follows: Children under 5; children 6 - 12; adult men; adult women; pets.
This year (2022) we will also hold a cake sale, and repeat last year’s new event - the Easter Bunny village trail and children’s word quiz. Quiz sheets are available for £1 from our sales stall on the day, in the market place. The trail can be done anytime from 10am until the end of activities around 2pm. All correct quiz sheets handed in will be exchanged for a chocolate easter egg. Ask at the Old Post Office window by the bridge, if you are late to collect your chocolate egg. (After the event is packed up, any remaining will be here for the rest of the day.)

Christmas Windows in Nunney (2020)
Thank you to everyone who is taking part in 'Christmas Windows in Nunney'.
Windows will be ready from Thursday and hopefully for some time afterwards (but we totally understand they may not all make it until Christmas Eve!)
Here is the list of homes/places who have agreed to have Chrsitmas Windows up for you to see from Thursday 5 December ...
5 Pookfield Close
6 Pookfield Close
5 Flowerfields
29 Flowerfields
Nunney First School
7 Sunnyhill
16 Sunnyhill
22 Sunnyhill
Sungates - Dallimore Lane
1 Berry Hill
10 Berry Hill
14 Berry Hill
The Beehive - The Market Place
Bridge House - Horn Street
The Chapel - Castle Street
3 Church Street
The George Inn
All Saints Church (aka Nunney Church)
The Farmhouse - Fulwell Lane
5 Frome Road
If there is anyone who still wants to take part, please email the NCA - nunneycommunityassociation@gmail.com and you can be added 🙂

Special Letters
A special ‘North Pole Post Box’ will be outside the Old Post Office, from Tuesday 1 December until Sunday 13 December.
Any village children who would like to write to Father Christmas can use this very special and direct service, as provided by the NCA. It is so special, you don’t even need a stamp!
Adults, please help your child/ren by making sure they have included their first name, address, a clear description of the item they are hoping for and any other relevant information!
The last collection will be at 18.00 on 13 December, so please get letters in as soon as possible!
The NCA elves will be helping Father Christmas to deliver his replies across Nunney the following week.

Halloween 2020 - Treats without Tricks!
Take part in this year’s NCA Halloween event - Treats without Tricks!
Join in our window trail - by making a window display or following the trail or why not take part in the pumpkin competition too?
There will be 6 letters hidden in windows around the village. Nunney Village children can complete a trail form (these will be delivered to Nunney homes) and if they manage to spell the correct word, they will receive a special Halloween Treat - the NCA will deliver a voucher for an ice-cream from Palette and Pasture, for them to use the following week.
Please dress up, enjoy walking around, searching for our decorated windows and hunting letters but remember to keep to Government guidelines and keep yourselves and Nunney residents safe.
Enjoy your trail hunt!

Wood-fired Pizza Take-Away - for the residents of Nunney
Many thanks to John Rider who has offered to host this event, for the residents of Nunney, on behalf of Nunney Community Association and who will be supported by NCA members, from his back garden.
Pizzas can be pre-ordered by using the attached order form - preferred timings will be offered on a first come, first served basis. Confirmation and payment details will be emailed out along with collection timings. 100% of the profits raised will go directly to the NCA.
Wood-fired pizzas are only available by pre-order and pre-payment. Collection will be available from the back of 16 Sunnyhill, via the field which can be accessed at the bottom of Green Pitts Lane. Huge thanks to the Norris family for kindly agreeing to ensure the cows aren’t in this field, for the evening of 31 July.
The order form can be downloaded here and once completed must be emailed to nunneycommunityassociation@gmail.com or in the event that you don’t have an email address, paper order forms can be dropped off at 16 Sunnyhill.

NCA Logo Competition
Nunney Community Association Logo Competition
Can you help Nunney Community Association by designing a logo, picture or image which represents us and the role we play?
Entries should be no bigger than A4 but be aware that the successful entry may also be reduced down to a small letter head image.
Please find more information and the required application form attached here.
Entries can be submitted by email: nunneycommunityassociation@gmail.com or on paper to: The Old Post Office (the blue letter box) but the deadline is Saturday 15 August.
We hope to have selected the winning entry by the end of the school summer holidays.
Frome Half Marathon
Frome Half Marathon will come through Nunney on Sunday 19 July 2020.

Carols in the Castle
Nunney Community Association proudly invites you to come and sing carols by torchlight with Midsomer Norton and Radstock Silver Band, in Nunney Castle on Sunday 15 December at 18.00 (entrance from 17.30).
Entrance is free. Carol booklets and torches will be available for £1 each and there will be hot drinks for sale.
Carols in the Castle will be inside Nunney Castle. Access to the castle includes crossing a small bridge and a number of steps in different places. The path is uneven and may be wet and muddy and the floor inside the castle is cobbled and uneven and may also be wet - sensible, suitable foot wear is advised. We are sorry but there is no wheelchair access.
Children must be accompanied and supervised. There is a deep moat with steep sides and climbing on the walls is not allowed.
There are stewards on hand at all times.
There is limited free car parking a short distance away in the Quarry Gardens, off Castle Hill.
In extreme weather conditions, it may be necessary to cancel the event. Notice will be posted on this website so please check before coming.
Please contact nunneycommunityassociation@gmail.com if you need any further information.

Christmas Windows in Nunney
Thank you to everyone who is taking part in 'Christmas Windows in Nunney'.
Windows will be ready from Thursday and hopefully for some time afterwards (but we totally understand they may not all make it until Christmas Eve!)
Here is the list of homes/places who have agreed to have Chrsitmas Windows up for you to see from Thursday 5 December ...
5 Pookfield Close
6 Pookfield Close
5 Flowerfields
29 Flowerfields
Nunney First School
7 Sunnyhill
16 Sunnyhill
22 Sunnyhill
Sungates - Dallimore Lane
1 Berry Hill
10 Berry Hill
14 Berry Hill
The Beehive - The Market Place
Bridge House - Horn Street
The Chapel - Castle Street
3 Church Street
The George Inn
All Saints Church (aka Nunney Church)
The Farmhouse - Fulwell Lane
5 Frome Road
If there is anyone who still wants to take part, please email the NCA - nunneycommunityassociation@gmail.com and you can be added 🙂

All Nunney residents are welcome to attend our AGM, at the George, Nunney, and find out how the Association has invested in the community during 2018, and what is planned for 2019.
At the AGM there will be an election for one vacancy on the committee (due to the resignation of Jeremy Gaunt). Nominations for this vacancy (which will require a proposer and a seconder) should be submitted using an Official Nomination Form available from the secretary, Lara Tatam, 16 Sunnyhill (lullabelle767@yahoo.com), and which must be submitted to the secretary by Monday 11 February 2019.

Carols in the Castle
Come and join us for our very popular annual event of carols in Nunney Castle.
This year the event will be compered by Peter Gibson Wyer and the music will be performed by the Midsomer Norton and Radstock Silver Band.
This is a free event although song sheets and torches are on sale for £1 each. There will also be refreshments on sale.